2022, LOW off-site projects, Vagonu 21, Riga, group show SYNCHRONICITES curated by Žanete Liekīte

Installation (video (0’5) on a phone screen, fabric, scale models)

The work consists of reconstructions of personal memories, interrelationships of the urban environment and psychological states creating my psychogeography of Riga. During the creation of the work I realised that trying to depict a memory is like writing down a dream, it is difficult to capture, the fluidity of memories seems in conflict with any static and fixed medium that could capture it. While creating the work, I wanted to simultaneously show the inner emotionality and the physical location – the external shape of the space, so that they exist in parallel. 

The outdoor and indoor spaces that I chose to create in the scale models were chosen based on my memories of the most critical states of romantic loneliness.  The most critical feelings I tended to repeatedly experience in the similar spaces, many of them indicate returning home by yourself. Scale models represent the factual locations and the internal space is shown by the “pocket video”. In the process of creating the work, I was influenced by Olivia Laing’s “The Lonely City”, where I create a related to the careful examination of urban elements i

n relation to feeling of loneliness and separation. Great influence is also Gee Debora and Situationist walking practices. 

Walking for me is both the subject of the work, the necessity of survival in my daly routine, and an essential part of my art practice, where the generation of ideas for artworks takes place while walking. In conversations, I often used to describe my life in Riga with the trivial phrase “Solo trip”.